Photo: Philanthropy Northwest
Biologist testing the PH level in a river

Funding opportunity with Philanthropy Northwest

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program aims to make it easier for community-based organizations to access federal environmental justice funding. The program was created to respond to feedback from communities about the need to reduce barriers to federal funds and improve the efficiency of the awards process to ensure underinvested communities can access the grants.

On December 19, 2023, Philanthropy Northwest, in partnership with an extensive network of regional partners across EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and tribal communities), was selected as the Region 10 Grantmaker for the Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program ("Thriving Communities Program"). Philanthropy Northwest’s goals are to distribute resources to historically underinvested communities by leveraging powerful partnerships, facilitating participatory grantmaking and designing a simplified application process. As a regional grantmaker, Philanthropy Northwest stands alongside other leaders selected to steer these funds effectively to where they can make the greatest difference, distributing $40 million in Region 10 over three years.

Helpful resources

Philanthropy Northwest hosted recent webinars on the grant opportunity, and using the Fluxx platform. Recordings, slides, and other info are available on their website.

They are also planning webinars on How to Use EJScreen and FAR Screen Tools and How to Create a Workplan — see those links for more information.

Click here for more information