Our Members
Our nonprofit leaders from across Oregon support communities of color impacted by climate disasters. Convening partners for this Network include: OHA, United Way of the Columbia-Willamette, and Trauma Informed Oregon.

his map was created by Nico Ponzi Hamacher. The data in them is collected from DRLN member organizations, US Census data, and RiskFactor data. Nico can be contacted at [email protected] for any questions regarding the maps or how they were developed.
Current members
- AfroVillage
- Beyond Toxics
- Bridging Cultures
- Centro de Servicios Para Campesinos
- Coalición Fortaleza
- Familias en Acción
- Friends of Tryon Creek
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
- Living Islands
- Micronesian Islander Community
- Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest, Inc. (NARA)
- Naturely
- Next Door, Inc.
- Oregon Health Authority Environmental Public Health Section (Oregon Health Authority)
- Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN)
- Radical Rest
- Raíces de Bienestar
- Rogue Climate
- Rogue Food Unites
- Southern Oregon LULAC
- The Stronghold A Culturally Responsive Peer Support Program (The Stronghold)
- Trauma Informed Oregon
- Únete Oregon (UNETE)
- United Way of the Columbia-Willamette (UWCW)
- Unite Oregon
- Voz Workers Rights Education Project