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Our Impact

“Through this resiliency Network, we are able to think about and do things in community that center joy, language, and connection. Our community gatherings provide space for folks to come together.”

— Blanca Gutierrez, Cultural Director, Rogue Climate

Who we support

We center the resilience of leaders of color working with nonprofits in Oregon. We offer a trauma informed lens and culturally rooted practices in our networking and virtual programming. Fall 2022, a committee of Network members finalized the Network mission, goals and objectives. In 2023, nine members lead our activity priorities.

Workgroups led by members

1. Wellness and Education

Develop inclusive and equitable programming and provide responsive space for healing, education, and skill development. We recognize leaders of color self-efficacy, mental health, rest, and wellbeing as forms of resistance and liberation.

2. Inclusive Messaging and Disaster Preparedness

Sharing culturally rooted lens and language to support disaster alerts and preparedness. We explore and weave culture as a way to engage and connect diverse populations to life saving disaster outreach, education, and engagement.

3. Membership and Infrastructure

To build confidence within members to lead the narrative of resilience as this generation survives and succeed through climate change. We center and support the growth, visibility, and sustainability of people of color leaders engaged in disaster resilience.

Resilience Grants 22-23

The Network has allocated $446,500 to member nonprofits, prioritizing wildfire impacted partners. Grants focus on building resilience & social connectedness for communities impacted by climate-related disasters. Projects support:

  • culturally grounded, healing-centered community engagement
  • mental and emotional community health and wellness
  • restoration of identity and relationship with self and community

Funder partners: Meyer Memorial Trust, Marie Lamfrom, Oregon Health Authority, and United Way of the Columbia Willamette

Visibility & Representation

We present or attend conferences and professional leadership development activities aligned with Network mission and vision. Snapshot of presentations:

  • CSS Nonprofit of Oregon Wildfire Statewide calls
  • Oregon Public Health Association Conference 2022
  • West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference
  • OEM Oregon Prepared Workshop 2023
  • Oregon Disaster Funders Network
  • Adelphi 3rd Annual Ecological Justice
  • Latino Health Equity Conference 2023
  • WSU 4th Annual Social Justice Conference 2023
  • Colorado 48th Natural Hazards Center Workshop 2023

Reporting on our impact

Download our recent annual report, and Trauma Informed Oregon’s recent evaluation